October 12 - 14, 2024
Contemporary Greek music meets new international trends, which combines classical with electronics, piano, experimental, minimalist and other elements (vocal, traditional, field recordings...).
The festival, however, remains open about style, always driven by quality, aesthetics, inspiration, innovation, creativity and the love of its creators.
A meditative wandering into new, uncharted atmospheric soundscapes, where boundaries are pushed, in a constant discovery - re-creation of profound musical beauty, by charismatic visionary artists with endless passion, tirelessly dedicated to their beloved art.
A vision of the composer/producer Christos Garmpidakis, implemented with the contribution of Sofia Mavroudis as the production manager of the festival and Afroditi Strati as assistant producer and social media manager.
Co-organization: FAir | Fraternal Air Productions | Christos Garmpidakis, Region of Crete and Municipality of Chania.
Contact: chmusicfestival@gmail.com